I thought I would begin by introducing myself. My name is Nicole I grew
up in West Valley City, Utah and currently live in Logan, Utah. My
upbringing wasn't anything too unique my father was and is a postal
carrier and my mom worked and still works as a phlebotomist. I am the
youngest of five children; three brothers and one sister.
When people asked me what it was that I wanted to be when I grew up I came up with all sorts of ideas. Landscape architect, photographer, and my favorite go to; I want to own my own craft store. When it came time to go to college and actually commit to one of my dream professions I found myself majoring in Interior Design at Utah State University. I remember one of my first days of class my sophomore year in Mr. Mansfield's class. He wanted us to do the classic tell me something about yourself and why you want to be majoring in Interior Design. As he began to go around the classroom I had a good while to think about my answer. When it finally hit my turn I stood up and introduced myself and the only thing I could answer was "I felt like this is where I need to be." That was it. It seemed like a simple answer at the time and it felt like the right answer. I have never forgotten that moment staring into the man's eyes that would ultimately control my life for two of the hardest school years I ever endured. I didn't sleep for more than five hours a night my sophomore year of school. Partially due to having 9 popular roommates and a steady dating life, but mostly I spent hours working on interior design projects, looking at the internet for inspiration and working in the program Autocad. Finally, at the end of that year I was tired of looking at interiors. at the end of finals week I had only slept for 3 nights out of the five and what sleep I did have sometimes was on campus cuddled in a little arm chair on the fourth floor of the library. I would sit in what was called "The Studio". I would stare out of the big glass windows and yearned to be outside. I felt like I was being suffocated by computers and by my big white architectural table.
Me and my roommies
All of that lead to a decision. I would walk daily through what is known as the TSC at my university it was where major events would occur. Some days I would score free ice cream or see what social events were taking place. One day I noticed the summer job fair was in full swing. I decided to take a break and wander through the different pest control jobs advertising for all of the bilingual return missionaries wandering around the university. I thought at best I could make a new collection of free pens and possibly score a new mouse pad or water bottle. It was walking through the maze of tables and posters that one caught my eye. It was exactly what I was looking for. Big blue sky, huge meadows filled with flowers, and three men dressed in pearl snap shirts, leather wrist cuffs, and large brimmed tan hats.
One of the pictures I saw on their sign
The Bar T 5 Covered Wagon Cookout. All I saw was freedom at looking at their booth. Located in Jackson Hole Wyoming. I walked by their booth five or six times before I finally signed up to have an interview for their job. I honestly had no qualifications for their job opening as a cook; and was half way thinking they are out of their minds if they actually hire me. Honestly though, I wanted that job more than I had wanted any other job in my life thus far. I went home and began to get ready for what would be my job interview with them. I looked through my closet and all I saw was dresses and my vast collection of American Eagle and Hollister clothes. I tried on at least six different outfits I remember trying to look nice but like I belonged out doors. Thinking back I remember curling my long red hair into my pretty barrel curls, wearing tight jeans, and wearing 4" high heels. I walked back into the TSC and looking around for the corner they tucked themselves into conduct their interviews. I found one of the men who was conducting the booth he greeted me and introduced himself as Joe. Me and Joe sat together while we waited for the previous interview to finish. He wasn't talkative, in fact he actually pulled his dirty cowboy had down further onto his head and tried to fall asleep while we were waiting. Finally the boss Jeff rounded the corner and welcomed me over for my turn.
Something about the look in his eye told me that I could relax a little
bit as I sat down. We went over my work history and as we were
discussing my different jobs I had had in the past (hostess, computer
consultant, airport employee, ect.) I was thinking my chances were
pretty bleak. Jeff then broke down and began to talk about the job
openings that they had. He explained that there were two sections to
their operation one is a night show where twice a night they load up
wagons full of people and pull them up a canyon in Jackson Hole and
conduct a night show with all you can eat food and live entertainment.
The second part of the business is the mountain crew where you leave on
Sunday night and go up into the mountains. There a bus full of guests
come up and you escort them to three different camp grounds in four days
they would travel by horse back and by covered wagons to each of the
camps. My job would be to be a dutch oven cook for either of these two
sections. Then they asked the defining question. Which operation would
you like to cook for? For me the answer was obvious the one where I
spent the most time outside. I wanted to be a cook on the mountain. I
think they were surprised that this skinny redhead who looked like she
never spent a day getting dirty wanted to live in the mountains with
them. They asked a few unnerving questions following my answer. Have
you ever shot a gun before? Would you be alright sleeping in grizzly
bear country? Fortunately I have shot guns, in fact earlier that month I
had shot at least three different types of guns at a very unfortunate
teddy bear trying to impress guys that were interested in my roommates.
Uncannily enough they hired me to be a mountain cook.
Me and My mom when I was working
This was my job was my first taste of being a "Cowgirl". I did whatever I could to envelop the culture and I loved it. I even figured out he whole dutch oven cooking part. So in this blog hopefully I can share some great dutch oven recipes :).
So I did all of this a few years ago. The summer after I came home from Jackson and continued my Interior Design degree I married my husband Michael.
We have been married for two and half years now. I have had a few jobs around town here in Logan but my most recent job is mommy. I just had my first baby girl in the end of January. Her name is Riley!
This is her in her Easter Dress ready to go to church. Well anyway now you know a little about your author. I hope you have fun reading my blog and will now understand a little bit about me!