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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The not so Scrapy Scrap Baby Blanket

I have a bunch of fabric scraps and decided it was time to put them together to finish Riley's Crib bedding.   Here is what I had to start with.

  I had a large piece of my foe fur white fabric along with a few scrap pieces.  Then I had two pieces of pink rosette fabric.  I also had a bag of about 4 yds of lace that I was going to use on a different pattern and decided not to. 
*WARNING if you work with the fabrics I chose you will get very messy but it is worth it!!!*

I wanted to use as much of the fabric as I could, so I played with it in as many different ways as I could think of.  Deciding that having the entire back be white and the other side have a white middle with a pink border would use the most fabric.  Then border the entire blanket with my thick white lace. 
So here it is with the pieces put together.  I wanted the blanket to be as large as I could make it.  I love to be able to Wrap Riley all the way up in her blankets. So with it laying out it is 35"x36".   I had to make the middle piece with Three scrap pieces of the white foe fur.  Luckily, because it is shaggy it is easy to hide the seams.   I stitched them all together.  Making sure to put right sides together.
Make sure to pin everything together really well before you sew it together.  Both of these fabrics are silky and stretchy (great combination :) ) So keeping them pinned well keeps the sliding and the stretching to a minimum.  I went through and pinned the entire front of the blanket together then started to push it through my machine.
Once I had the front put together I added the lace around the outside.  I pinned it to the front about 1/4" of the way in. On the corners I gathered it a little bit to make the turn nice and smooth around the edges.
The next part became a little tricky.  I needed to add the back without losing the lace.  So putting right sides together.  I carefully tucked the lace inside and pinned  it down.  I was worried it would get caught in my seams.  I sewed all the way around the blanket except for the last 4".  I then turned it right side out. 
Here is where I left the seam open.
The next part I did by hand.  Simply stitch the remaining hole closed and lay the blanket out flat.  In the corners where the white meets the pink I put a few stitches to hold the blanket together. 
Make sure you wash your blankets before you let your baby have the blanket. :) Especially with how many loose fibers get stuck to this blanket I didn't want her to have to worry about eating those fibers or breathing them in.

Here she is sleeping with my finished project!!! I think her bedding is finally finished.. At least until I decide to make something else :)
Happy Crafting!!!

One more picture of cute Riley :)

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