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Monday, April 24, 2017

This post is a little different for me.  I usually post about crafts, recipes, and sales but I wanted to
write about something that has been bothering me for a while so here we go.

Ladies, you are important and beautiful.

Today I was flipping through Facebook and I stopped on a makeup tutorial.  It was a young girl talking about all the imperfections on her face.  She was pointing out these microscopic little pink spots that were around her nose and how her eyebrows weren't full enough and the whole time I was thinking; this girl is already pretty, she could walk outside the way she started and be killin it.  Then I thought of my three daughters and I thought if they knew how amazingly pretty and perfect they are to me, they would never put themselves down.  But, alas, I know this world, I know all the images, conversations, and ridicule they will endure.  Therefore, I am writing this.

A few weeks ago I was driving with my daughters when my five year old said I wish I was.. and she named one of her friends.  I sat there for a moment and then asked her why she wanted to be that person.  She said it was because she had heard me talk to this child's mother about how great that child was. It hit me like a ton of bricks, that my five year old thought that I like this other child more than her because I was praising her friend.  She is already comparing and listening to what we are saying and it is effecting her.  I made it clear to her that she is wonderful, smart, beautiful, and talented.  Everyone has special talents and features that make them unique; we need those unique things to make our lives, and our world, more beautiful.

Here is something I would like to change in the world.  Why is it that because someone is physically beautiful it makes us less beautiful? Why is it that we feel like because someone has an amazing talent it devalues our talents? News flash, it doesn't! Just because Sarah has amazing blonde hair (just throwing names out there) doesn't mean my red/orange hair isn't great.  Just because Jessie can play the violin doesn't mean your paintings aren't enjoyed.

I was looking at the magazine covers in the checkout line and I saw that Julia Roberts was named "Most beautiful Woman 2017" on the cover of People Magazine.  I am not saying she isn't stunning and wonderful, I'm saying that her being stunning and wonderful in no way makes you, me, that old lady that sits in her rocking chair on her porch four doors down, any less beautiful and wonderful.

Next time you feel unattractive or feel like putting yourself down, don't go look in a mirror.  Grab a notebook, I'm talking the pen and pencil kind, and write down the last good thing you did.  That is what we need to focus on.  What good did I personally put into the world today?  If you can't think of something to write down, write down something you can go do, and do it.  That is what gives us a glow, that is what beauty should be, personal development and growth. 

I have my insecurities about myself and I have had major breakdowns as an adult about some of my physical attributes.  Those don't need to be the center of our lives.  We need to forget a little bit more about the outside of ourselves and focus more on what we can do to be kind, help others, remember that we are not the center of the world but a part of the world.  We have a great purpose here in this life, and that is to help others and make it back to our Father in Heaven and to help those around us make it back.

Go, be truly BEAUTIFUL. 

Need a notebook? This one has a great cover.

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